Different Types of Fishing | Explained For Newbies

Either to spend quality time with friends and family or for personal refreshment, fishing is considered as one of the most amusing outdoor diversion. If you are social, you can anytime enjoy fishing with your beloved ones and if you like to go for courageous adventurous then also fishing is all that you want!

So the newbie in the fishing sector, worry less because we are here to bring all the details of different types of fishing. This piece of writing will not only enlighten the beginners with basics of different fishing but also will boost the idea up of fishing for the experienced.

Types of Fishing

Freshwater Fishing

If you are a beginner then Freshwater Fishing is your cup of tea. This kind of fishing can easily be enjoyed from the land or the shore only with the use of a trouble-free tackle system. Freshwater fishes like bluegill, musky, catfish, walleye, largemouth bass etc. are usually the targets that can effortlessly be caught by reel combo or rod.

This fishing method can be done from a bridge or dock, from a boat or ashore, in ponds or lakes, streams or rivers. Over and above fishing baits and lure and fishing gears, there are a lot of techniques for fishing in the freshwater.

Saltwater Fishing

Due to the variety of saltwater fish and a lot of fishing techniques Saltwater Fishing is renowned to both the beginner and the seasoned anglers. For the beginners, it will be easy if the select to target redfish or sea-trout from a shallow water or shore. The beginners can go for offshore deep sea fishing for species like tune or marlin.

Based on the species, the techniques, tackles, and gears are selected in saltwater fishing. Saltwater fishing is adventurous as this fishing can be anywhere from shallow water to the deep ocean. Beginners should start from any beach with the crucial tackles along with several saltwater rigs.

Fly Fishing

Fly fishing is the method of fishing where artificial flies are made to catch fishes in both freshwater and saltwater. With the use of specific gear including reel, fly rod, and weighted line, this fly is spread into the water.  The concept of Fly Fishing is to catch the fishes by making the bite on a baitfish or a bug. In simpler words, the fishers just need to trick the fishes of the water to catch them.

For this fishing, you will need a fly rod, some artificial flies (made by beads, wire, yarn, hair, thread, and features) and a fishing line. These flies can attract the panfish, crap, salmon, trout, striped bass, bonefish, tarpon etc. This can be enjoyed in saltwater, lakes, ponds etc. near your home or in the mountain streams.

Ice Fishing

If you are a person who loves to enjoy outdoor winter sessions in the Northern States, the Ice Fishing will be more than fun for you. This kind of fishing is afforded the anglers to fish in any spot of a river or lake without a boat! Ice fishing can only be enjoyed in some particular areas where the weather allows the ice to get thicken enough so that you can walk.

You need to drill holes in the frozen pond, lake or river ice with an ice auger and then you have to catch fish on the lines and hooks in the ice through the opening. Angler can apply different methods of Ice fishing.

Shore Fishing

Shore Fishing offers the opportunity to fish in the shorelines of lakes, ponds, banks of streams and rivers along with the bridge, piers, walkways etc. The positive aspect of this kind of fishing is everyone has access to the spots because most of the places are close to home. Freshwater and saltwater fishes like largemouth bass, striped bass, croaker, snook, bluefish, spotted sea-trout, bluegill, rainbow trout are usually caught by the anglers in Shore fishing.

3 spots of Shore Fishing are:

In this area, you have to case your fishing line parallel to the shoreline.

  • Rivers and Stream

In these spots, you have to locate the water where there is less or no current.

  • Saltwater and Coastline

For surf fishing, go for shallow sloughs, tidal currents or pockets.

Canoe Fishing

One of the simplest fishing, Canoe Fishing, is perfect for beginners. All have to do is to get a canoe (knowing the U.S. Coast Guard boating safety laws is a must) and a paddle and some required safety equipment. After launching your canoe, you only need to paddle to the spot. That’s all!

Paddle Board Fishing

If you are an active angler or like the active fishing concept then Paddle Board will definitely be amazing to you. Running paddle Board is all you have to know about this. The advantages of this sort of fishing are you can have a clear vision of the water (as you stand up in the paddle) and paddle boats are with no trouble movable.

Rock Fishing

People who are addicted to challenges can settle on Rock Fishing as it allows you to fish in the coastal shorelines that are rocky. Some Coastal Spots having rocky shorelines are:

  • Penobscot Bay, Maine
  • Oneula Beach Park, Hawaii
  • Cape Ann, Massachusetts

While rock fishing, you have to maintain some rules for your safety. Equipment such as medium action spinning rod of 10-foot, fluorocarbon leader (20-30 lbs.) monofilament fishing line (40-50 lbs.) and saltwater spinning rig (of 6000 series) will be needed.


All the types of fishing lines are fun for you if you are someone to go with adventures. Do not be late, you get your life once, make it worth remembering. Go fishing, go exploratory.

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