How to Make a Fishing Rod in Minecraft | Tips & Tricks 2021

How to Make a Fishing Rod in Minecraft? A video game named Minecraft is a favorite to most of the gamers as it have broken all the blocks in a 3D world. The modes are dividing into Survival and Creative sectors. So, first, you have to survive by managing your food and supplies and then you have to be creative with the block-like mobs!

This non-violent education game will make your kid learn the basic programming skills along with teamwork. Also, he will develop his project management skills!

And if he loves fishing, he can make fishing rod in Minecraft too? Let us learn how to do it!

  1. Collecting the Logs
  2. Making Planks of Wood
  3. Making Wood Sticks
  4. Finding the String
  5. Making the Fishing Rod

How to Make a Fishing Rod in Minecraft?

1. Collecting the Logs

The first thing to make a fishing rod in the Minecraft is to collect the logs. By now, you must have the Axe. All you need to do is use it to make yourself a fishing rod. Go through the trees first and you have to chop down these to make it work. But in cases, you are just beginning the game and do not own an axe. What would you do then? For this situation, you have to get a tree that is close to you first. Then, get some logs from the tree carefully. Now, your work is to chop them or punch them properly.

2. Making Planks of Wood

After you are done with chopping or punching the wood, you have to open the inventory. Get your hold on the wood logs then. Opening up the inventory, you have to take the logs in the crafting area. Here, you will craft the wood to make the fishing pole for your game. Count the logs. One log will be enough for making four different planks. For making the Minecraft rod, you will need a Crafting Table. If you do not have one, you can make it with the logs. For this, take seven different planks. Two logs will be enough for making the planks of wood for the crafting table. Once you are done with the planks, you have to take four of them. And then, in your inventory, start filling up the crafting space. Eventually, you will get a crafting table here!

3. Making Wood Sticks

You have already made the crafting table for your Minecraft fishing rod. Now, you have to use these wood planks to make wood sticks. How? We will tell you! Here, you have to go through two different wood planks at the same time. Put them on the Crafting Table first. Or you can also position them in the crafting area in the inventory. Now, all you need to do is start stacking the planks. Place one on top of another one by one. When you add four wood planks stacked in a box, you are ready to get four different sticks! If you want to add Minecraft lure or any other fishing rod enchantments to your fishing rod after you make it. It will reduce the wait time for sure!

4. Finding the String

You can easily find the string. However, you need to get into a combat so that you can get the string. The best way you can follow to get the string is to go through the spiders and fight them. Yes, smacking the spiders will help you find strings. When you will smack them, they drop the string as their loot. And this is the time you have to take it. But if you want to find spiders, you have to start working at night as they will be around when it is dark. They have bright red eyes and you can easily see them in the dark.

However, it is necessary that you already have a sword so that you can attack them. You have to whack them with the sword for a number of times. And finally you will get your string. In some cases, if you go through the deserted Mine, you can find strings there too! Mostly, the mines have cobwebs in them. You can easily get the sword and start hitting them with it! Even if the situation is not supporting your, search for the badlands or savanna biome close to you. If you have, you are going to get out of the area with minimum one mine for sure! In this case, you have to be extra careful because you are going to face spiders here. The spiders of the cave include spawners. So, a little precaution will help you live! And there, you will easily find the string.

5. Making the Fishing Rod

How to Make a Fishing Rod in Minecraft

So, all you essential ingredients are ready by now. All you need to do is create the fishing rod for you game! Go through the crafting table first and look at all your ingredients. You have to place all the ingredients on the Crafting Table at first. Now, get your hold on the three sticks you have. You have to position them in a diagonal posture. Go for 3 by 3 grid. Once you are done, move to the string and get two of them. Check the empty boxes that are placed in the right part. In these two boxes, you have to place the two strings. And finally, you will get your fishing rod with the help of the crafting table!

Frequently Asked Questions on Fishing Rod Crafting in Minecraft

Is it better to rain while fishing in Minecraft?

Yes, my friend, rain makes fishing easier in Minecraft. On average, you have to wait 20% less of your time if you want to catch a fish. So, you are going to save all of your time here! Also, it is easy to catch a lot of fish within a small period.

How can you make a carrot fishing rod in Minecraft?

If you want to make a carrot fishing rod in Minecraft, you have to make your fishing rod the way we have mentioned here. Once you are done making the fishing rod, take it and lace the carrot in your crafting grid. Take one carrot and position it in a 3 by 3 grid. And you will get your carrot fishing rod!

Is lure good for fishing Minecraft?

To be honest, there will be no difference in your fishing quality if you are going to lure. But if you want to reduce the wait time then fishing lure in Minecraft can be highly beneficial. Or you can also fish in the rain for a better result!

Wrap Up

We have talked about all the necessary levels for making a fishing rod. All you or your kid need is to have patience, gather all the ingredients and go for it!

Make sure than you have created the Crafting Table beforehand so that you can reduce your work time and make the Minecraft fishing rod faster!

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